Jiro Konami’s NAMEDARUMA New York Exhibition March 17-April 17 2022


Jiro Konami’s NAMEDARUMA New York Exhibition 

17 Allen Street, Floor 2

March 17-April 17 2022

CCProjects is pleased to announce “NAMEDARUMA,” the first solo exhibition in the United States by New York-based Japanese photographer Jiro Konami. The show emerges from a book of photographs Konami made in collaboration with i-D magazine and The Black Eye Patch, who worked with the artist at the end of 2020 to shoot a vastly popular but previously unseen Japanese rap group, also called Namedaruma. For the project, Konami traveled two hours north of Tokyo to the musicians’ hometown of Kumagaya City in Saitama prefecture. In the book comprising his shots of the band, Konami writes of violence he experienced in the US in 2020 due to bigotry against Asian people, which swelled horrifically around the coronavirus pandemic. Of Namedaruma themselves Konami writes, “My heart was stung by their red gaze. The needle has been sticking in my heart since then.”

Opening Night
March 16th 2022, 6 to 8pm
